What is new with the Memory Player?

I have read that this player is the next great source at the online mags. Have others heard this player and is it currently being sold? What are the impressions of those who have heard this machine? Any information would be nice since I have read almost nothing other than what is contained in the magazines. Bob
The Memory Player has great potential if given the right direction, although the trickle-down theory will begin to take effect for lesser cost.

Agreed. As I mentioned, if you already have a PC, you can add bit-perfect ripping and a ramdisk for ~$40-80. Add an Empirical Audio Pace-Car reclocker for ~$1000 and you're down to negligible jitter between PC and DAC. My guess is the MP includes a more accurate clock and better grounding and shielding than a typical PC, but who knows perhaps it doesn't.

I would be curious to hear the MP (used as a transport $10K) head-to-head against another PC-based transport (say PC with JRiver and ramdisk + Empirical Audio Pace-Car reclocker ~$2700 total) into the same DAC.
The Behold power amplifiers of Mr Perry each have 8 pairs of Analogue Devices DA converters (the AD1853 to be precise). I don't know if these are of-the-shelve or made to order specially for Behold. But, there you have it. Wonder how much it contributes to the experience of the MP...

And they cost around $50k. My point exactly. If I told you to buy a car cuz I drove it along Hwy 1 in Big Sur country, or along the New England woods during a beautiful fall day...and proclaimed it "a beautiful ride, best I've ever had"...it doesn't tell you much about the car. Could it be a great car? Sure. Could be because of the scenery, or the gorgeous blonde in the passenger seat too.

I have to assume that Clement's comments about the MP are in relation to other transports he's hooked to his ultra-expensive ultra-sophisticated Behold gear, but he's never said so in so may words. He's never even said what he hooks it up to, or with (balanced digtial, coax, etc.), or whether other users are experiencing synergy with this or that DAC.

I guess time will tell. I'm excited for any new development that gives us a better, more real interpretation of the bits encoded on the millions of redbook cd's we have in our combined inventories. And any new discovery will undeniably spawn trickle-down technology, or competitive pressure that improves/expands the discovery and makes it more affordable at the same time. Hell, I can afford $10k now, but this early adopter value prop is still quite shaky IMO.
"Also Mr. Perry and his staff have tested EAC copies vs the Memory Player and again there is no contest."


What PC playback set-up(s) did they use?
"Also Mr. Perry and his staff have tested EAC copies vs the Memory Player and again there is no contest."


What PC playback set-up(s) did they use?

Kana813 - Good point. If the Kmixer isn't bypassed or there's a lousy driver, the sound won't be great. And IMHO EAC playback isn't as good as JRiver or Foobar with a good DirectSound driver. With the right software setup and output via, e.g., USB to a decent USB converter or via S/PDIF to a decent reclocker, the playing field should be leveled.

Audiooracle - Thanks. Interesting to know they made the comparison. Are there any dealers in the Chicago area?
I am also a resident of the Windy City and would like to find out if this product will be available for a local audition. Bob