What is new with the Memory Player?

I have read that this player is the next great source at the online mags. Have others heard this player and is it currently being sold? What are the impressions of those who have heard this machine? Any information would be nice since I have read almost nothing other than what is contained in the magazines. Bob
Yes it is. May I assume this is Vince? I very much look forward to hearing both your unit as well as the MP with its 32 bit dac.

Please don't take my comments about the earlier version as anything more than an example that all hard-drive based units don't sound alike.
Yes, it is I. Looking forward to seeing U again and it's also nice to know that U are still interested in hard drive based systems.
Is there any final resolution as to whether those at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest will get to hear the Memory Player and its 32 bit dac compared with the VRS unit?
I see that both Nova Physics & VRS Audio are on the line-up at RMAF. If anyone had a chance to hear either of these, or compare them, please chime in.

I heard the Nova Physics in the Scaena speaker room at RMAF. Although I was not able to hear my own music (they ripped it for me but couldn't find it in the system the next day) the memory Player/ASR/Scaena system sounded quite good. I cannot compare it to anything else I heard becuase everything (room, treatment, equipment, music, etc.) were different. Unfair to compare. I also did not hear the VRS. I heard other great digital players, including the EAR Acute, the Modwright Transporter, the AMR and the Linn Klimx, and all sounded very nice in their own setups. Impossible to say that the Memory Player was better or worse.