The fact that lowering the torque made such a profound difference caught me of guard a bit. My Mk3 has 16Kg-cm starting torque (what it is nominally I haven't a clue). I calculate that I have my GAE operating between 1.3 and 1.45 kg-cm of torque. The maximum is 3.3kg-cm. Whereas at max torque in manual or when set to auto the table locks speed in about a 0.3 seconds it now takes about 1.8 seconds to come to speed. YMMV but it is most beneficial in my system :)
The fact that lowering the torque made such a profound difference caught me of guard a bit. My Mk3 has 16Kg-cm starting torque (what it is nominally I haven't a clue). I calculate that I have my GAE operating between 1.3 and 1.45 kg-cm of torque. The maximum is 3.3kg-cm. Whereas at max torque in manual or when set to auto the table locks speed in about a 0.3 seconds it now takes about 1.8 seconds to come to speed. YMMV but it is most beneficial in my system :)