What is the affect of cd player?

How much does the CD player affewct the o ver all sound quality of a system. I now have a Cambridge AZUR 840c and like it very well. But wsas thinking of upgrading if it would give me an even better sound. I wonder how much the cd player figures into the ovcr all picture? Thought maybe some of you who have been there and done that could share there experience Jack
To Rodman--

Your lesson in grammar is quite incorrect, sir.

The first listing for "affect" in the OED is "Noun: mental disposition.... desire, passion." This is by far the more common usage in English.

So, what Jacknorth1178's headline asks is "What is the mental disposition of a cd player?" The answer is obvious.

"Effect" can function both as a verb (as in "He effected -- brought about-- a significant change in procedures."), and as a noun (as in "The effect of his decision was significant.")

You might consult a dictionary.

Happy grammar,

David Zimmerman (to you)
Oh Zimmy- The first definition for affect in Webster's(a very popular dictionary in this country), "verb: to act upon; to produce an effect upon; to excite the feelings(of); make a show of; pretend". The Miriam-Webster's dictionary has no mention of affect being used as a noun at all(hardly common in this country). The first definition for effect: "noun: that which is produced by some agency or cause; a result; a consequence; etc. There is mention that IN CONJUNCTION with other words(ie: for effect, in effect, take effect) it can be used as an idiomatic verb, or as a transitive verb by ADDING OTHER LETTERS(ie: effectED, effectING, etc). IOW: "Effect" has to be modified to be be use as a verb. This says your use of, "affect"(under noun) is, "obsolete": ( http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/affect ) As I stated, the OP's title was, "iffy", but(as Tbg posted) in the context of exciting the emotions........
Golly, I didn' realize I would set off such a fire storm! Now I don't know how to ask the question. Let's forget the whole thing. Thanks guys. Jack

Audiophilia subjections, suggestions, and English lessons too!

What a web site!

The effect of this contentious diatribe has had a substantial affect upon me.

I hope it was good for you too.... Gee, now I need a smoke.