What is the best BNC Digital Cable under $4,000?

I'm looking at the Synergistic Research Galileo UEF Digital BNC. As well as the Wave High Fidelity Cable and the High Fidelity Reveal BNC and the Black Cat Tron Ditial Cables, respectively.  What do you consider the best Digital BNC cable under $4K?
Ones going against data should offer up the proof.
No one here owes you proof of anything.
I don’t need to listen to expensive data cables to know they can’t result in better stereo separation.
So you not only exempt yourself from providing the proof you demand of others, but you won't even go so far as to listen before rendering your pronouncement? You're a pretty funny guy.
... by all means buy a better cable if it sounds better to you, just don’t go out blindly recommending it to others ...
Actually, if we've listened to the cable, we're not making a blind recommendation at all. It's armchair theorists like you that make the blind recommendations.
I’m unfortunately not well off enough to be able to spend $4K on a digital cable.
Ahhh, there's your bias.
To mrc4u:
Audio Bacon has just published an extensive report on the Chord M Scaler and the sonic differences using several different connecting cables. This should give you valuable information for your question.
David Pritchard
Thank you
Some nicely documented information there that should be hard to argue against.

If one argues against data, they don’t owe proof, but it should be provided if one wishes to best back up such a stance.

I make no claims on whether or not you hear a digital cable as sounding better/different than another. I do make claims on whether or not such differences actually exist.

I don’t excuse myself from having proof, mine are in the measurements and null testing that have shown any differences between digital cables are well below -100dBFS.

If you hear a cable and it sounds better so you recommend it, that’s still a “blind” recommendation, as you cannot factor in the bias of the person you are recommending it too. Unlike with say recommending a computer, where there is no bias.

Unless given evidence/explanation to refute the tests that has been conducted by others, saying a digital cable sounds better is no different than believing the homeopathy actually works and isn’t just placebo.

Wow, he trashes (won’t even rank them, places them in the “graveyard”) the BNC cables from Mogami, Canare, Belden, BlueJeans, and Amphenol. I almost stopped reading right there. Those are some of the most trusted brands out there, in both the consumer and the pro world.