What Is the best pair of speakers under 3k??

I am new to mid hi-end home audio. I recently auditioned a pair of Theil 2.3 and were blown away. They sounded nothing like my canoe like huge JBLs'. I then listened to a pair of Martin Logan Aeon. Amazing!!! I am now totally confused. I think what I am really asking is what do you guys think I should audtion? I dont want to make a snap judgement and purchace something that sounds great in the audition room, but not at home. My initial goal is to have stereo sound maybe later going into home theater. I am also considering outlaw prepro/amp, or maybe B & K. any advice would be helpful. thank you.
As the others have said your taste will decide the best for you.But I will throw the Soliloquys in the pile.If you have room maybe the 6.3 fullrange.Retail for $3200.00.B stock 1800.00 to 1900.00.Easy to drive and giving you the flexibility of tubes or solid state amps.Take the extra $1000.00 you saved and put it towards a better front end of used gear, right here on audiogon.IMO B&K is quite a dry amp and lacks musicality.I tried listening to some Vienna Acoustic Beethovens powered by a B&K...it sounded terrible!Good luck!

If you let us know what your listening room dimensions? (including height) and listening preferences are? Im sure you will get some really good info so you can better "focus" and "narrow" your search/auditions and you should get a better idea what to look for...

I do like the Revel F30'S and M20's like some of the others have mentioned. But you will need some good power to make them sing.
My vote for best speaker under $3k that I've ever heard is Von Schweikert's VR2. Check them out if at all possible!!