What is the best speaker cable for Wilson Sabrina X?

I am using 211 tube amp and doing well with Wilson Sabrina X and I would like to know if there is any best speaker cables for Sabrina X? Perhaps Transparent? or Jorma Design?  Any recommendations is appreciated

@jc51373 Nordost are fast and accurate, although i don’t think they are inherently bright. If your tweeter is a metal dome of some kind, then yes, the speakers can sound bright with Nordost ( which the older model Wilson’s did indeed). The new silk dome that Wilson uses is also quite accurate and I think the combo is very nice together. Nordost has a number of different cables, you do need to use a full loom and IMO you do need to choose which model works best with your gear, but if you are hearing brightness...this is typically a problem elsewhere, IME. YMMV.



Transparent is a sonic match. Start here. If you do  not like the synergy, check out a different brand.


Happy Listening!

@mawashi - a Here’s a couple of brands

  • Zavfino- great cables and great product range - to suit most budgets
  • In-Akustik - exceptional cables that are reasonably priced, but getting up there
  • Hijiri - one of the best sounding cables available, but a little pricey

They all perform exceptionally well, but some are more "refined"

Hope that helps


I second @williewonka ’s recommendations. I tried out many cables during the last 2 months, I have yet to hear a cable loom sounding as natural as the Zavfinos. I have a loom of Zavfino Prima mk.II, Fusion RCA mk.II and Highlands mk.II phono SME DIN to RCA playing right now. Among all the cables I tried on my system, only the high end Audioquest loom had better results. BUT these were AQ William Tell Zero & Bass cables (€5k in bundle price)and Audioquest Earth RCAs for a total of €6.5k excluding phono cables. I hesitated a bit on the purchase, but just in principle, paying more than half of what my speakers are worth for speaker cables and RCA cables seemed almost indecent and I returned (grudgingly I might add haha) the cables to my dealer.

Just my two cents ;)



Nordost is a lightening fast cable (accurate) as is Wilson Audio speakers. Too much of a good thing in presentation and sound. Yes, this phenomenon does exist.


Happy Listening!