What is the Phono stage you have finished with?

Hello, Like many I have an e.a.r 834p, and it has served me well for many years, I am now however looking for a new MC phono stage. I am up for going quite a few stages up from the ear (so the next phono will last me a few years!).

Would like to hear from you guys who have already gone down this road!
Happy listening

Forgot to add this.

I've found that the volume control is a weak link in most pre-amps or phono stages with pre amp capabilities.

I use the Steelhead in two systems,running it in fixed output mode, which is minus the volume control.
The headphone system runs the Manley into a Burson HD 160 and differences in inter-connects are quite easily heard.

In the second system the Steelhead is run from the fixed outputs into a Lightspeed Attenuator,with better sound than ruuning from the Steelheads variable outputs(with volume control) directly into my amps.

The Steelhead is similar in concept to the Atmasphere except it's a single ended design, and hence prone to the vagaries of interconnect sonic traits.
Both the Atmasphere and the Steelhead have a volume control however and so are sonically at it's mercy.

It's not possible(except with degrading rca/xlr adaptors)to run an Atmasphere into a Lightspeed, unfortunately we won't know how much of an improvement that would make.

It did improve the Steelhead.

The other thing that I like about the steelhead is the large separate power supply,which Ralph would agree moves the MP1 further up the ladder than the MP3 that I used to own.

Had I not made other moves, I would still be enjoying the MP3 as much as my friend enjoys his after he heard mine.
He hasn't had a problem with his in ten years of ownership. He also drives his speakers( Acousta X, same as mine) directly with his MP3 , except that his amps(Acoustat servo amps) are not balanced.He replaced the RCA on the amp with XLR but it's quasi balanced,still single ended.

As much as a fully balanced pre-phono stage negates the need for pricey IC's there is still that pesky volume control to contend with, which I have realized is the achille's heel of most audio components.
Have your EAR fitted with better parts. The ones which are there total maybe at $20 wholesale including power transformer.My deepest respect to design talent of TdP. It's a unique sounding unit and I repeat someones else opinion that I happen to share (partially ) that "99% of vinyl users don't need a better phonostage" Take it as you wish & good luck with your quest :).
I would agree, the 1% of vinyl users with good tables need a good phono stage.

I don't think a top flight phono stage will turn a medium grade table into a Continuum.

But a Continuum can be humbled with a medium level phono stage.
Lacee, Yes if the noise floor of your TT is higher than your phono stage then it may be a waste of money. But if you want to hear the differences that upgrading your TT make then having a quiet phono stage will tell you if you are going in the right direction.
The Zesto Andros PS1. Since I have a fully upgraded Linn LP12, I considered the Linn Uphorik and Eureka. After hearing the Linn phono stages, I'm very pleased with the PS1. It does everything I want from a phono stage. Precise imaging, deep and wide soundstage, lots of detail and always musical. It is my end game phono stage.