What is the "best" of the 5881 Tubes.

I have not had much experiance with the 5881 series of tubes. I have used only KT88/6550-EL34-807's..on and on, but my new incoming amp has the 5881's (Onix p3).

Any ideas ??

Thank's for the help Rhing. I will give Torres Engineering a call later today. They seem to be the ONLY ones with the GT 12AX7-M's. I'm still thinking stongly about "Cyro" tubes (for the 6L6's), but they are a bit pricey. On the other hand, they last an awful long time.
My speakers are ones that the SP-3 should not be able to drive, but they do. They are the Genesis 400's. They are about 6 years old, made just before the Gennesis break-up and not continued in their new (and less conventional looking) line. They are kinda the "forgoten Genesis" (along with the 300). A tough nut to drive. Their signature is a VERY smooth and OPEN sound, with ttttight bass and silky highs (the Genny tweeter is about the best around). Drum solo's will scare the normal mortal, and some audiophiles.
We are "low level" listeners in this house, so the need for power is not a tremendous issue. The SP-3 has work out just fine so far. I think with the added benifit of rolling the tubes to match the rest of the system, it may be a perfect match (for us anyway).
The next venture is an Onix XCD-99.

I like Telefunken, Amrpex, or BRIMAR 12AX7's When it comes to the 5881 ( 6L6 ) I'm not a big fan of the Tung-Sol. Very sweet but at the same time, to mushy for me. I prefer some of the big bottle 5881's such as the GE or RCA. But it depends on the user I guess.....

But i agree with what was said above. Try changing the 12AX7 first.
if I may wade in here ....I have the SP3 also , my first impression on hearing it was "great musical midrange it has potential " my Awe-phile pal ( with a harshly critical ear ..came over and listened , he also liked the mids ...but was not too impressed w/ the rest ..
when I suggested we roll a bit ...he said 'go ahead'
I removed the Chinese 12 AX7's and inserted a pair of older ...maybe late 60's bugleboys ( Holland) ...wow what a difference , he agreed , opened up the soundstage , definetely more musical ..we continued to listen
then I suggested another change ..'go ahead' he replied
this time I swapped out the stock 6922's for a very special pair of mid 60's Amperex PQ's (USA) ..Wow again another step in the right direction ..extension in all the extremities ...that was it we made a night of it ...great presentation ..really enjoyable is how my friend put it .
a couple of days later he said to me ..here tryy these as he gave me a little packet ..inside was a pr of old stock 12AU7's also bugleboys , but this time from England
I listened to the system w/out these ...some Ella F , not too bad ..then I put in the BB's ....it amazingly smoothed out the top end , sybillance was gone ..the cymbals shimmered ...WOW
my friend who has a very expensive Atma sphere set up ...confessed that before hearing the SP 3 he was convinced he would not like it ...remarked he cannot believe the value of this unit , it has no right to sound this good at the price !
I agree & have decided to do the "full monte" ...I have ordered all the Parts connexion level 1 components ( see underwood wallys A-Gon ad for Onix ) , hexfreds , bypass caps , new RCA's , silver wire , resistors as well as teflon V caps for the pre cplg. ....I have a vision that this cute little unit can go all the way !
Tubby, you won't be disappointed with the Onix XCD-99 CD player. I own the XCD-88 which is virtually the same as the XCD-99 aside from cosmetic differences. I bought a B-stock unit from AV123 as I wanted something that would match the SP3's grey metal fascia. The B-stock unit was in excellent condition when I received it and it has been very satisfying to listen to. I plan to upgrade the unit through Underwood Hi Fi in the near future as AV123 will continue to honor the three year warranty even after Underwood Hi Fi's modifications. If you want to save some more money, call AV123 and ask if they have any B-stock XCD-99 or XCD-88 units available. They back up their B-stock units with the standard three year warranty. All-in-all, this CD player matches up very well with the SP3 integrated amp for a very musical combination.

Bernard991, please keep us informed about your mod plans. I think you've posted some information about this on the AV123 forum, correct? Anyway, your post has me searching for NOS tubes 6922's and 12AU7's.