Don't know what prompted the resurgence of this old thread, but it got me thinking about power, fuses, and AC connectors, and especially the comments by @carlsbad2 about getting rid of fuses and using slugs.
What if I installed a suitably sized in-wall magnetic breaker in the same box as the dedicated duplex feeding my monoblock amplifiers, shouldn't I then be safe removing the fuses from the amplifiers, replacing them with slugs, and relying on the magnetic breaker as if it were a fuse? I think I will look into the viability of that option since it would be a relatively inexpensive approach to remove the constraint of fuses from those amplifiers, and doesn't seem much different from using the Swiss Digital Fuse Box. The only issue I see is that I would probably need a breaker for each of the monoblocks. Have any of you done something similar?