What is up with Audio Research during the pandemic?

I ordered a set of tubes for my ARC Ref 3 line stage on May 4, 2020. So far, no tubes, no tracking number, and no contact initiated by ARC. I did get an email response last week from them saying that they were "... working on getting caught up in the shipping department and have not yet shipped your tubes." This post is not to hassle ARC in the midst of a crisis. My hope is that all there are safe and well. Many "non-essential" businesses are struggling and frankly, I want to do all I can to support them. Music has been a wonderful source of comfort and enjoyment for me, now more than ever. I can wait, but I would feel better if I knew that the ARC folks were doing OK.  
ARC and the rest of the world is in a world of hurt be patient hope for the best.This is just a bad time to buy stuff.
The CDC just published a report showing the fatality rate is a low 0.4%, and that is one of the higher reported findings. Some reliable studies are showing half that, 0.2%, only about as bad as the flu. Digging in deeper, it varies from study to study and country to country, anywhere from over 80% to as high as 99% of the dead were either over 80 or were already sick. Co-morbidities in medical lingo. So unless ARC has a lot of elderly chronically ill employees, no need to worry about their health. 

Financially however, thanks to the political response, completely different story. Politicians and the media are doing everything they can to put companies like ARC out of business. The trillions the US has put into this amounts to $24k per US citizen. Of that $24k US citizens got $1200. The other $23k went to businesses. But not mom and pops or even mid-size like ARC. Those are to be culled. All the biggest corporations got that money. 

Its important for people to understand. What is happening is not a rational medical response to a legitimate health crisis. The virus is merely a convenient tool to leverage the fear needed to increase even further the power of government and big corporations. If you love your audio gear, now is the time to buy. They will never need it or appreciate it more than now. 

When they are gone, they are gone. So ebm change your post if you can. Now is a GREAT time to buy stuff.  

Also please note I put my money where my mouth is. Just ordered Tekton Moabs. Don't borrow. Debt is what got us into this mess in the first place. But if you have the cash, now is the time. 
I understand what @ebm is saying, yes, the world economy is going through some interesting times. I would submit though that it is a great time to buy something if you are in the market. While there can be some deals it is important for commerce to get it going again. Small business needs the business, people need to work, its all interconnected. I have made a few sizeable purchases and no hiccups.