What is your favorite 1 hit wonder from the 70's?

Many on Audiogon agree the 1970's was the best decade for popular music. Whether it was the quality of songwriting or the diversity of music. The decade also produced many unforgettable 1 hit wonders. My personal favorite is Afternoon Delight by Starland Vocal Band, what's yours?
Jperry. He told her to get some sleep and dream of rock and roll. lol

Chevy Vam

I gave a girl a ride in my wagon
Now she crawled in and took control
She was tired as her mind was draggin
And I said get some sleep-and dream of rock and roll

Like a picture she was laying there
And moonlight dancing off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
She's gonna love me in my Chevy van
And that's alright with me

Her young face was like that of an angel
And her long legs were tanned and brown
Better keep your eyes on the road son
Better slow this vehicle down 'cause

'Cause like a picture she was laying there
And moonlight dancing off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
She's gonna love me in my Chevy van
And that's alright with me

I put her out in a town that was so small
You could throw a rock from end to end
A dirt road main street, she walked off in her barefeet
And it's a shame I won't be passin' through again

Like a picture she was laying there
And moonlight dancing off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
We made love in my Chevy van
And that's alright iwth me

Yeah like a picture she was laying there
And moonlight dancing off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
We made love in my Chevy van
And that's alright with me
Someone mentioned, "Mexican Radio" / Wall of VooDoo, think that one was from the 80's too...

Good thread, as I'm reading the entries, I'm recalling all of these tunes in my head and remember nearly all of them...

How about, "Billy don't be a hero" to add another one...
Jdoris-You make a very strong case. Geronimo Cadillac peaked at #37-1972 and Carolina in the Pines #21-1975.
Billy Don't be a Hero was by Paper Lace who also did The Night Chicago Died.
Love is Like Oxygen. I cant remember who sang it but it sure got a ton of radio play.