What is Your Opinion of Atmos Music?

Most members here have "stereos" for music and "home theater" for movies. Atmos music takes the immersive format that started with movies and uses it for music. It seems Dolby has a series of interviews/tutorials with recording engineers and that is picking up momentum. Personally I listen to immersive music (atmos and surround sound) about 80% of the time and the other 20% I listen to two channel on my desktop system. What is your experience with either Atmos music/spatial audio or using any of the various upmixers (auro-3d, dolby surround, etc) for immersive music listening?



@kota1 You've made a good point but Atmos seems to be what the stadios are falling over themselves putting in. I say the first display of Atmos many years ago touting object based mixing, I didn't take it seriously but if you think about it that's the answer because it can translate to only a few speakers and that's how your brain works anyway. Pan pots between 2 sources really don't make sense describing something in nature. Seems you are the expert at sound codecs, I don't know of any others that are in the race for me. What are some of the strengths of the other formats over Atmos?


As for the strengths of the other formats I would say DST-X/ Imax Enhanced is more dynamic in movies but there is no music I am aware of in that format. Auro-3D is not being produced right now but they never really got traction. Sony is gaining traction in Sony 360 music on Tidal and as a Codec available on Sound United products. I think it is targetd more for headphones. Sennheiser Ambeo is mixed more for commercial venues. THX Spatial Audio is available as an upmixer in certain computers and phones. The elephant in the room is Dolby and when Atmos became available on Apple Music the demand for atmos mixes went through the roof. I would learn Atmos before learning any of the others. I’ll bet if you start going through Apple Music spatial audio mixes you will quickly learn the mixes you like. Find out who the engineers are that mixed those tracks and that would be a good starting point. Your community has been very approachable in my experience and I’ll bet an e-mail with a compliment about the mixes you liked followed up by a "If you were me how would you get started" will get you in the fast lane so I can start listening to YOUR mixes.

I have the last Kenny Wayne Shepard Atmos Blueray, here is the process of mixing the next one: