What other streaming services do you recommend besides Tidal?

Been having quite a few dropout issues with Tidal of late and no it is not my connection.
These were commonplace late last year, seemed to stop but of last few days have returned with a vengeance especially later at night (higher demand/usage I suppose?).
So as $20 a month is no joke for sporadic service and lack lustre customer service I would like to know who uses what other service for hires streaming?
Your experiences, problems if any, quality etc.
I know my Vault shows me at least 15 other options besides Tidal but I really know nothing of them.
Thank you
You could have a viable point with the buffering, to tell the truth that is what it resembles now I think about it.
Not dropout as such as it usually picks right up again where it stopped, almost like it is having to buffer the feed and is lacking resource to do so.
I think I am being stiffed by AT&T!
Just done two separate speed test, one of which was with the AT&T speed test itself
Both came back very close 22.8 mbps and 23.1mbps, that's hard wired speed.
Phone call is in order to AT&T tomorrow!

I wonder if your AT&T speed test results above are impacting your Tidal performance.   Please ask them to check your signal strength and all other items to ensure your cable line is working okay.   NOTE:  Mine was not.   I need 2 technicians on-site to solve these issues. And, ALSO have them inspect your outside cable box to ensure all is okay (mine was not wired correctly).  

On December 28th 2017, Tidal emailed me with the following info:

"Please note:  MQA Albums can be found at “What’s New” and select “Masters” in the Albums section. The limited view of MQA albums in this section is a known Tidal issue.  The Developers are aware of the limited search capabilities for MQA albums. They are working on advanced search capabilities for MQA.  I am sorry for the inconvenience".

It is my understanding that Tidal has 5,000 MQA Coded albums but my Aurender N10 server and your Vault only displays 500.   The Absolute Sound also mentioned this issue.  

I emailed Tidal and asked them if their advanced search capability for MQA work mentioned above would enable Aurender and Vault to display all 5,000 MQA Coded albums?   If Tidal has 5,000 MQA Coded albums, it would be terrific if they were indexed as MQA so that Aurender and Vault could display them on their applications.   I will keep you posted. 

Post removed 
So after talking with AT&T this morning it appears they made an oops!
When they upgraded my service to 75mbps (fastest available in my area), they "neglected" to inform me that they would also need to install a new modem to handle those higher speeds!
That is now occurring this Saturday and I also insisted on a refund for having paid for higher speed for 6 months and not having got it due to their error.
So will see how it fares after the new modem on Saturday which should allow the 75mbps to take place, thanks to all for the suggestions to tackle the base problem.
I "assumed" that as I had 75mbps service I was actually getting said service, see where assume got me here......