What output cables work best with Sansui TU 717 ?

I have vintage Sansui tuner circa 1977, and was wondering what success anyone has had with output cables for such a tuner. Many thanks for input on this issue.
I've owned the Sansui TU 717, an excellent tuner.

Don't go crazy trying to find the perfect interconnect, anything that is clean and tight will provide you with good FM sound from this rig. Take a look around here at Audiogon for something used that's reasonably priced.

Looking just now I see Audioquest Topaz for about $35.00. That's a nice cable that won't break the bank.
The conclusion of the Auricle Audio Design auction is coming up, and this IC is something quite special. For the low auction price this lesser known, esoteric, design often goes for, you can have an IC that brings you more performance than you were expecting.
I found it enhanced my FM listening through three different tuners, so, like every component, better results can be gotten with better signal transfer. It did not seem that IC had to be specially matched to any one tuner, although IC's can sound different. Sadly, FM worth striving to hear better is restricted to a precious few stations in most parts of the country. Bringing up the question of which antenna works best for your location.
Albertporter is right that keeping in his budgetary guideline can still deliver the goods. My feeling is that sound quality from some Audiogon bargains can impress way above their price point.
Yes,I totally agree with Albertporter, everything about the interconnectors and speakers wire...are marketing hype ! ... Want to prove it? those manufactures can never show the energy lost or any difference when I use "any" material that provides good conductivity (such as metal of course)...So why bother?... I don't try to offend people who spends zillionzzz for such Tara, MIT cable, well got to admit they look good, make an impressive show-off in your living room... Qualitywise? NONE !!!!!! If you go out to buy from Walmart to Radioshak or any ordinary local stereo store, show me please that your reception or output is worse than those stupid expensive cables? Sometimes I have to laugh so hard when find out that out there somewhere, there are still people got fooled by some "people" who considered themselves audiophile this and that...because of the cable !!!! DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I RATHER SPEND Money for the good equipment, that I have no problem spending on, but interconnection / speaker cables?... I don't let myself fooled by those manufactures and look around back in the 70's or 80's, without those, peope still appreciate the good musics and never heard of any complaint about.... Someone dares to argue this with me, shows me the good calculation about conductivity loss or mathematical prove of energy loss based on "different" cable... Just the look and big money for someone who has nothing to worry about that makes the difference here...
Just my 2 cents...
