What replacement cartridge for BSR Quanta 400?

I am eagerly awaiting delivery of my Supratek Chenin preamp, and am looking to tune up my old BSR Quanta 400 turntable while I wait. I eventually plan to get a VPI TT, but until then, the BSR will have to do. It's in great shape, since I've been out of vinyl since the mid-80s (I know, shame on me!), and it's been in storage, but I think I'll replace the drive belt, and upgrade the stock cartridge (the one it had when I bought it way back in the late 70's). I can't wait to hear vinyl sounds coming from my Zu Druids. I would appreciate any suggestions regarding an appropriate replacement cartridge. I'm looking for something that's very good, but not out of line for the quality of the BSR. Thanks in advance.
More info. The stock cartridge is an ADC QLM32MkIII, definitely a budget cartridge. Is a Moving Coil cartridge like the Denon 130 or 130R out of the question for this TT?
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The Supratek preamp will be fine with a low output cartridge, it is designed for them. With that in mind, would you still recommend the high output?