What’s a good preamp to run with Krell FPB 350m monos that has 2 pairs of balanced outs

I need the balanced outs to go to a pair of Jl Audio f113’s and to also feed the Monoblocks.

If I use a Y-splitter on a preamp with only one pair will that work? Worrying about impedance issues. Was looking at a Pass Labs XP-10 originally. 

Related equipment is MIT cables, oppo BDP-105, and Egglestonworks Andra II
I have FPB 450 MCX  monoblocks
I have a Krell KCT Preamp.     Perhaps you can use the cast to the FPB monoblocks
and the balanced out to the other
I am very happy w the cast

My amps don’t have cast! I’ve owned a KCT in the past and want to try something new!