What's after Supratek

Well, I've got a nice chunk of change saved for an upgrade to my rig. I'm wondering what it'd take to knock my Supratek Syrah (with all NOS tubes) off it's perch.

I need a remote. Would prefer an integrated MC phono stage, but would consider a separate line/phono if the price wasn't too much out of my league.

Budget is $5000 used. I'm leaning towards a VAC Renaissance (not the sig. version), but is this just a sideways move?
Well, I've been living with the VAC for a bit. It's more transparent, and more neutral. Bad recordings don't sound as good, excellent ones sound amazing. I think the stock tubes are a little thin sounding, I'm looking for some Mullards 12ax7 for the phono stage, hoping this fills in a bit of body.

The soundstage is more focused than the Syrah, and more 3 dimensional. It is faster than the Syrah, but maybe not quite as dynamic. It is definitely more open and transparent, and I thought the Syrah was already very open. Definitely more immediate sounding.

I'm finding myself wanting to adjust my speaker position a bit, as the soundstage is now more clearly defined and this positioning is now becoming more critical.

All in all, I'm pleased, though I do find myself missing some of the coloration that I now realize I had with the Syrah/Urushi setup. (I am now using a Shelter 501mk2 as I just was too paranoid about having a $4k cart)
You guys should seek out the Exemplar Revelation II, $2500, line stage. Certainly it does not have the excellent Supratek phono stage, but it is very dynamic and transparent and quiet. It is the best sounding tube line stage that I have heard with the exception of the Kondo M100.
I have received emails from an individual who has heard both the Exemplar and the H-Cat and he said he had never heard such garbage (I'm paraphrasing). I have no dog in this fight, but I trust and respect the opinion of the source.

Tbg (Norm) are you still a dealer for Exemplar? (I know you were listed as a dealer on their website at one time). I am sure very few are aware of that fact! As I recall, an AA board member warned you to register as a dealer and to stop saleshacking for Exemplar on the Asylum.

And do you have any financial or personal arrangement with Roger (H-Cat)?

Several "good ears" who have heard both the Exemplar and H-Cat have had wildly varying experiences (bad) as compared to yours. As I said in an earlier post, maybe some people may prefer another preamp over the Supratek, but I don't ever remember anyone saying a Supratek sounded, weird, strange, unnatural, etc. as some have described the H-Cat. But then again, I suspect they have no "incentive" to report anything other than the facts.

Tbg, one minute its, "You guys should seek out the Exemplar Revelation II, $2500, line stage", the next minute everyone should own an H-Cat.

Either disclose all of your ties to these companies or please stop the saleshacking.

Usually I don't give a rat's patootie about dealers not disclosing their affiliations here, but your non-stop saleshacking is just annoying.
Fiddler, not that I owe you any explanation as I have noted all of this before, but I never was a dealer for either Exemplar nor H-Cat. John did list me as a dealer early on when he was getting started as I had done much beta testing for him. I asked that he remove my name which he did.

You willfully ignore that there has been quite a back and forth between Bwhite and others and me and others about the virtues of the H-Cat, which I still contend is the finest line stage I have ever heard. But this thread focuses on alternatives to the Supratek, which I one time owned also. I was merely stating that those considering the VAC etc. might want to listen to the Exemplar. I am presently listening to the Exemplar Revelation which replaced my Syrah. It is a bastard unit in which the cascode output stage used in the Revalation II and the Denon 3910 mod replace the parafeed transformer coupled output. It is one step above the $2500 unit which I have only heard at shows.

Only as very suspicious mind would see this post as any more than a suggestion given what had been said. Nowhere do I suggest it is superior to the H-Cat. I am enthusiastic about the H-Cat, certainly and willing to stand up against those who are saleshacking (SIC) against it.

Norm, I haven't "willfully ignored" the back and forth about the H-Cat.

Who could possibly ignore it! You are like a broken record.

The fact that you were listed as a dealer for Exemplar; combined with your constant drum-beat for the Exemplar and H-Cat products, have lead many to suspect that you have more than a casual interest in these products.

I would be curious to know if you have paid for all of the products you have received from these two companies?

And I see no one "saleshacking" AGAINST the H-Cat. Some who have heard it and thought it was terrible have merely given an alternative viewpoint to your over-zealousness. Others have simply asked some tough questions after reading some of your outlandish claims. Do you think all of your saleshacking will get a free pass here?

The only person I see "consistently" saleshacking AGAINST other preamps is you. Every time someone asked about a specific preamp, you're the only one that that immediately jumps in and promotes another product; specifically the Exemplar or the H-Cat.

If either of these products were as good as you contend, many others would be joining the choir. You claim there are several others who have found the H-Cat to be world-class and cutting-edge, especially with imaging, but they don't seem show up here very often to extoll the H-Cat virtues. Unlike the Supratek, where the experience of one or two exuberant customers lead to 3 or 4 more, which lead to 10 to 20, 40-50, etc.

Things simply don't add up, Norm. Build a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door. As evidenced by these forums, no one seems to be "beating a path" to the Exemplar or H-Cat door. I wonder why?

To the ocntrary, people have lined up in droves for a six month wait to buy a preamp half-way around the world without ever hearing it and then they come back here and rave about it. Hmmmmm?

And BTW, why the (SIC)? There is no error.