What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(

The heading says it all!! What do you guys think is the reason that the sales in the used high end market have gone soft??
Prices too high? Economy too slow?? Stock market too volatile?? Something else??

Yesterday at THE show in Irvine, Calif, I had a very interesting conversation with one of the manufacturer’s who was displaying his wares. He is going to be bringing to market a great new product. We discussed his pricing strategy for this product, which I believe will be SOTA in its division. Essentially after I had asked him if he was going to price this piece at an even higher price than the current competing SOTA piece ( which is very well reviewed--but at a price that makes most people pale in shock) to meet his far east dealers requirement (higher is better...through the roof is best!); he replied...absolutely NOT! Why not, I asked him. To which he replied, because this would lead to the rest of the world having sticker shock and his market would severely suffer in those other areas. Smart guy, IMO.

@fleschler,  there is a EAR Acute mk2 currently being listed.
I must confess, I've never heard an EAR CDP.  Why the volume control?
EAR CDP can be run direct to amplifier(s) with the volume control.  Otherwise, the recommended setting for output is at 2 o'clock.  There really wasn't an EAR Acute 2, it skipped up to Acute 3 with digital input, then the two box version and now the one box EAR Classic.  The E.A.R. Acute l and  III begin life as an Arcam player. The transport mechanism and logic circuitry, including the latest Wolfson DAC, are retained, but everything else is replaced.  I heard the Classic with Prana speakers and a Class D amp with stock tubes and my CDs (Ramsey Lewis Down to Earth, Ellington & Basie Bands) and it sounded excellent.  The original Acute l sells for $1800 to $2000 used on GON.  Possibly more for the Acute lll.  They are analog-like sound with great dynamics and frequency response.  Truly amazing CDPs. 
I've been really disappointed trying to sell here recently.  Even where items are massively discounted, no interest.  Coupled with the charge just to list, it just doesn't make much sense. Conversely, have been able to sell elsewhere within one to two weeks at the same prices I tried to sell here.