Find a pair of speakers that the very thought of puts a smile on your face. Pick the right amp to drive it. Since you are building from scratch it may be a good idea to build a passsive preamp system. Some people talk down a passive preamp setup and say that it compromises sound. I think all a matter putting together a balanced system, I've had it both ways and a well designed passive pre system will blow away an active pre system any day. To build a passive pre system you will want a power amp with high gain, high voltage sensitivity, high input impedence, and low output impedence. Sim Audio Moon W-3 or W-5 is an example for the power amp. Going passive preamp allows you to spend the money somewhere else. If you find that you don't care for the passive preamp setup, you can always add a pre later. Then pick a source with enough output voltage to drive the power amp, maybe with a volume control too. Select IC's and speaker cables last. Sorry to get on the passive preamp rant but I couldn't resist. I wish someone had given me that advice when I first got into this hobby.
Your budget looks very reasonable. I am sure you will find success.
Your budget looks very reasonable. I am sure you will find success.