What's the best Phono preamp under $1000??

What should I expect to pay to get something decent?

Thanks in advance. Dave Taylor, chicago
The Sutherland battery-powered PhD might be a good low-noise alternative to mate with your ARC. I've seen a few, used, at $1100-$1200, but you might get lucky and find one within your $1000 budget...or convince yourself that 'just a little extra' is warranted. I gave up the struggle to keep exactly within budget years ago!
I really like my Graham Slee Era Gold Mk.V. You can get it used for about $700. The only downside is that you are really limited to MM or high output MC cartridges. Then there is the cost of cables running to your preamp. You just might be better off getting a phono board for your preamp. I have the Elevator as well which adds yet another layer of cabling. No regrets though. The sound is awesome. Good luck and have fun sampling the options.
My recommendation would be a Threshold FET 10. They offer silent background, musical presentation, and extended response. Versatility includes gain selection (40/60 dB) and loading (MC) and capacitance (MM) options. A former Threshold employee now runs a service center and can perform upgrades if desired down the road. I believe they sell for $750 to $850 so fall within the required budget.

I attended a shoot out with local audio enthusiasts where a FET 10 held its own against several current favorites retailing from $2,000 to $7,300 (meaning some present preferred the Threshold).
I am wondering what you ended up with. I was going to start the same exact thread but thought to do a search first. I am also in Chicago and am thinking of getting back into vinyl with my "new" vintage system. Bob
Dodd Audio also makes a phono pre in the $1000 range. I have the battery powered pre-amp (not the phono) and its excellent.