What’s wrong with Diana Krall?

Just wondering if anybody else saw Diana Krall on tour this past summer. I had been a very big fan and had previously seen her live years ago in San Francisco and Tampa/St. Pete. My recollection was that she was amazing in concert...she played flawlessly, she was engaging, and her ensemble was very tight. However, I took my wife to see her this past June in Memphis...man what a disappointment. First, they were 20 minutes late hitting the stage. Diana seemed like she was under some chemical influence...she mumbled her requisite bon mots to no one in particular, forgot lyrics to some songs (!), and basically took most of the night off, letting her bandmates do an extended jam session with lengthy solos on every song! Looking at customer reviews from her performances at other venues, this had apparently been going on for quite some time. Her whole set, including a halfhearted encore, was only about an hour. God, I hope she is ok and pulls herself together...what a terrible waste if she can’t.
I don't really care for her music but to me she has a look and style I've rarely seen. She is a one of a kind lady for sure. I listened to a few of her songs this weekend and they were pretty good but not my style. Hope she is ok though. I know ALOT of people love her.
I mentioned this in the other DK thread here, but for me I needed to listen to "Live in Paris" for me to connect with her and her music.  Had a few of her other CDs but didn't really connect to them until hearing her live album.

"As much as I love the nuances in Miles and Evans, I hear no reasonable parallel with DK, I'm afraid. If she weren't easy on the eyes I suspect we would not have heard of her."

I see that good old fashioned jazz snobbery and female stereotyping is still alive and well. 

Neither Krall or Nora Jones are lightweights...both are great musicians and solid live performers who are simply excellent examples of talented women who can actually play. I've never seen a bad song from either, but wasn't at the show (or any part of whatever that tour was) mentioned so I'm lucky I suppose, and would have been REAL BUMMED if she performed poorly...I friggin' hate bad live shows. I also agree that Dylan and Brian Wilson seem like different people. Also, I have a guitar pick Russell Malone left behind at a show I mixed so I may have a Krall bias stemming from that, as he's astonishing and still plays with Krall even though he's an ex boyfriend, pre Elvis. Does anybody here tour with their ex girlfriend...well do you? No, you don't.
When she was singing with Tony Bennett on a network Christmas show a few days ago, I thought something didn’t seem right with her voice. Her words didn’t seem crisp and clear like I’m used to from listening to her “Look of Love” SACD. Whether it’s vocal aging or she’s dealing with some personal demons, is unknown, but I agree with the OPs opinion of her performance.