What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
reminds me of Jimmy Webb. Not one wasted word, maximum impact!

If you listen to this song, you just witnessed greatness.
I was lying in a burned out basement
With the full moon in my eyes.
I was hoping for replacement
When the sun burst thru the sky.
There was a band playing in my head
And I felt like getting high.
I was thinking about what a
Friend had said
I was hoping it was a lie.
As the most recent admittance to the "middle-aged-white-males-having-heart-attacks" club I again offer a Pete Townsend lyric...

Wait...too close for comfort!

Rock on A'gon members!
Been on a PRINCE kick;
too many excellent lyrics from the Purple One. I must say visit "Dirty Mind".
His early albums were very sexually "charged".