what speaker cables would you use?

I have a Berning ZH270 amp and Merlin VSMM's. What speaker cables would you use? I thought about Cardas. It might be the right choice although the older Cardas I have heard sounds to dark. I am thinking about the new Shunyata or FMS cables but all suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks
I recently wired my system with Alex's FMS Nexus line.
Still waiting for speaker cable but have at this time Zero's.
In my opinion, FMS cables are much better then all I tried before
including VDH, Cardas,HMS and Audio Tekne.
Highly recommended.

A lot of people like Cardas but, I think they are uninvolving, slow and lackluster. Thick in the bass too as well as having a small image size.

They do present midrange information nicely and with a fair amount of detail but still are too polite for my taste.
I have had a lot of positive feedback from customers that use the TG Audio HSR speaker wire with the Berning and Merlins....I am TG Audio BTW....
Pure Note offers a trial (without actually charging on your credit card). I highly recommend you give a listen to the Pure Note Epsilon Reference cables and interconnects.
One of Berning's retailers, Frank Stuppel of FS Audioweb, has a Berning and Merlins in his personal system. Frank (owner) had the following to say about Maple Audio cables

"I have auditioned many fine interconnects and speaker cables in my personal listening system. I have not heard any cable that sounds better than the Maple Audio Works cables. The clarity, dynamics, and smoothness is everything that I would expect from a world class cable. At the price "an audio bargain".

Caveat is Frank now sells Maple Audio cables. If you would like more info on these cables feel free to e-mail me - I have Maple Audio cables and love them!