What speakers?

I recently sold my Magnepan 1.6's even though I loved them. They just needed too much space behind them and ended too far out into the room.

I mostly listen to Jazz voacals and easy listening music and loved the Maggie sound. I have a Parasound A21 that I felt drove the speakers well. Vincent Audio tube CD Player. Parasound 21 preamp.

What kind of monitor speakers could I get that will give me something close to the maggie sound? Will it also work with my amp?

Thanks for your input guys.
Thanks for all the input guys...

Let's try this: What monitor speaker can be put within a foot from back wall and will give the best imaging? And depth? biggest soundstage? Anything do it all for under $2k used ?

Post removed 
07-20-08: Steuspeed

Eminent Technology LFT-16
Ah, yeah, I forgot about them. And that made me think about the Oskar Heil Aulos at $1850 or so.

Review here.
Again VMPS comes to mind, the RM2 or the QSO626R will both likely give you what you like about Maggies and a more livable placeable speaker, I had Electrostats mains and Maggie speakers for HT and found VMPS greaat giving me exactly what I liked about each but better bass and placement options.

I have not heard the VMPS but they look very interesting.
I will check these out first.
What amp do you like best with them... Given my taste in music.. Mostly easy listening jazz?
