What speakers for 10k?

Looking to buy the end of game speakers, currently I have Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. My amp is the Parasound a21 with the Parasound p5 pre amp, Marantz sa8001 sacd and the Marantz sr5001 avr, psa xs15se sub. My budget is 5 to 10k on main speaker upgrade.
I suppose I could also add additional information for the OP in regards to other speakers to consider. I think the Legacy Audio Focus SE would be a fine selection as well as the Kingsound Prince III, if you're looking for a planar speaker. I have reviewed both companies.

If you wish a concentric design, Tannoy makes some higher efficiency speakers with appeal though I haven't heard the newer, smaller form towers, and with the Salk Exotica 3 like what I heard from the Alnico drive (Salk also reviewed; earlier model).

Magnepan and Vandersteen are always compelling choices for the price, however, if possible one should audition any of these mentioned above as they all carry quite different house sounds.
I recently heard the VA Liszt speakers driven by Ayre AX5 and they were spectacularly good. Possibly the best sound I've heard. Drove them loud with Mahler and Sibelius and they completely maintained their composure. At $13K they're obviously over budget.

The brand new VA Beethoven Concert Grand Symphony Edition is supposed to share not a little with the Liszts. Can't say whether this is true, or how much of a step-up the Symphony Edition is over previous iterations of the BCG.
Ivan, regarding your comment on speeding things up relative to component quality. The tonality of the current GT products are as spot on as anything out there. I was able to take my $10-15k (prototype) amplifier and connect it to a pair of $35K speakers a few days ago... that were not at all as tonally correct as the GT's. (As it is the company's brand new, recently released model I won't share which one it was at this time, but will down the road... I'm helping to voice it further.) I can see that if it were just the wave guide without the center phase unit timing would be an issue. But as it is, the GT's simply convey the most uncompressed, liquid and super detail picture into what their sent... with ZERO emphasis. I think I know what your trying to explain. It's just a highly articulate...but completely NATURAL, relaxed sound...
After_hrs, Yes, you are quite correct, of course...did not mean to cloud the issue. The GT's are utterly tonally correct. I didn't mean to imply that the speed the GT's have was somehow less than ideal, or at the expense of something else (just that it was for me a unique experience) - they simply speed things up in the very best sense, there's just no downside to that at all, very natural and relaxed, like you say...z-e-r-o tonal emphasis, indeed, is what I'm hearing!
I think I'm going to give wavetouch gt se a try, with the 40 day in home trial it is a no brainer. how well do you guys think they'll do with my Parasound a21 and p5? and Marantz sa 8001 sacd?