What to use between Devore Gibbon 3x and its dedicated stand?

I acquired a pair - love their sound - using nearfield.

They arrived with small rectangular sticky pads on the stands - 4 on each stand. They are in pretty bad shape and need to be replaced.

Does anyone know if they are the factory pads or perhaps aftermarket?

I was thinking of small dollups of Blue Tak as a replacement. Any recommendations?

I don't want to go with anything too large like IsoAcoustics. I use them on larger speakers and I know they are great, but I think they would defeat the purpose of the dedicated stands.   

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This is the view from my head. The ProAcs are not hooked up. When they are they would be positioned in roughly the same place but a bit further back.

I had these speakers and dedicated stands. Assuming you are speaking of the factory bamboo stands, the four little grey pads come form Devore. They are, IMHO, dense foam pads to decouple the speaker from the stand. I would avoid blu-tak as it may discolor the finish as well as couple the speaker to the stand. 

I';m sure John can supply you with replacements.


Thanks for the advice mwjones. I tried contacting John a couple of weeks ago, but got no reply. Maybe he has no interest in helping a purchaser of a used item.