What tubes are you using in your Jolida JD 100?

I'd be very interested in the tubes JD 100 owners have tried and what improvements, if any, have been realized by the new tubes? Also, what have you experienced in regards to improvements in audio quality after a burn in period. Regards
Have owned my Jolida for almost 3 years. Did not like the stock tubes and decided to try the 5751's and never looked back. Am currently using the Raytheon 5751 w/windmill getter. Have also tried the RCA 3 mica's and the Ge 3 mica's. I like the RCA's and the Raytheon the best. Smooths out the sound as compared to the stock tubes. Some folks have tried the Sylvania 3 mica 5751 with good results. Although I didn't like them in my system, you may also want to give them a try.

Hope this helps.
RCA NOS tubes. I did not like the original Svetlanas that were part of the mod package. Also did not like the Sovtecs I tried. I've stuck the RCA's for almost a year. They added a crispness and detail that was missing and a little better bass. Good luck
Thanks to you both. I was hopeing to get a good list of tubes that Jolida owners have used. Successfullly and unsuccessfully. My player, that I've had almost a week, came with Electro-Harmonix Gold. Having no other reference I'm naturally curious about about the audio effects of different tubes. I'm using a PS Audio GCC 100 control Amp and Thiel CS 1.6 speakers. I consider the GCC and the Thiels to be somewhat analytical, very detailed and true to the source. I figured the Jolida would be a good match. I wanted to soften the high end just a bit while maintaining the detail. So far I'm very happy with the combination. My GCC has converted me to the real benefits of burn in time. When I first got it I found it overly bright, but 3 weeks of almost continuous play has turned it into a wonderfully smooth and liquid amp.
Like wise, I've been playing the jolida since I got it and just yesterday it really started to sound great. Regards