Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Showing 50 responses by slaw

@big_greg ,

You know better than to ask that question. Of course it is a German pressing.
I aquired Joni Mitchell"Court and Spark" earlier this year on Nautilus.... sounds fine.

This was another label, Direct Disk Labs..........if you can find "Moondance" it's killer.
Arrived today:

Sophia Pfister EP. She signed this one in gold ink on the cover. Looks nice!

My new to me Origin Live motor package arrived as well.
Ok, so we now have ' grey's anatomy, and war department'. Looking forward to what's next.
Just returned by from picking my mother off the floor.

Gregg Allman "Southern Blood"
@spiritofradio, (James)

I feel we are kindred spirits. So glad we can connect here on this music thread. I have learned much here and you are a part of that. 

You are, my brother.
I posted a very while back... regarding ROG . People should sign up with them..

Lucinda Williams  "Ghosts of Highway Twenty"


II think you're "gettin' it"
@tomic601 ,

'Swamp Music" on RunOutGroove (ROG) if it's still available.

3 lp/ tri-fold jacket. Wonderful sonics!
Somethings are best left unsaid.....
..........................I am, after all, a human (bean).

Up next....

Dire Straits "Solid Rock"/"Love Over Gold" 10"/45rpm/UK/Vertigo

My feeling is this is the same music/venue from my "Alchemy-Live" UK, only at 45 rpm.

I’m glad we can have these discussions  and still be friends.

Love you brother.
FWIW: Years ago, I had the thought of starting from scratch with all of my interconnects, because I was using several different brands through years of several different components. I felt the best way to start was with re-wiring my entire system with Blue Jeans Cable. I went on from there, building up. While I still have a couple of high dollar phono cables, I found the Bob’s Devices mid line, silver over copper with Cardas RCAs has really been a GO-TO phono cable. I did try and still own a top line Anti-Cable & Morrow Audio phono but in my current set-up it doesn’t work...too short. I then went to Anti-Cables 3.2 for the rest of my system w/KIE Harmony RCAs and have been in love.

So, last week, I had an accident and had to remove all interconnects except for the phono. Replaced with my BJC. SQ is fine, just not up to the standards I’ve been use to.

Hence the new cables coming soon. Gonna order upgraded KIE RCAs to fix my mistake.

So, having said that @tomic601 , I cannot confidently say exactly what I hear on the new Aoife EP, other than it sounds very good.

I assume you don’t remember my posting to you and James when Aoife’s new lp was going to be released.

Look back, easy to find.

@noromance , @tomic601 ,

So far, the national emergency hasn't affected my work schedule yet, so I'll be here later on today. Thanks.

BTW, Wooden Wands was boxer12 suggestion.