Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Joe Sample           "Rainbow Seeker"

Herbie Hancock   "Man Child"


Finally found a replacement for my Denon DP-47f that was up to my picky standards. It came with a Denon DL-80 moving coil cartridge. After listening to records for sixty or so years always with MM cartridges this really opened my eyes. I'm sold. I know, I know, not exactly the high end of MC's, but wow. The first 3 played; The Beatles 'Revolver' (Capitol ST 2576), original black colorband label from 1966. My favorite Beatles' album and yikes, like I'd never heard it before. Next was the original Columbia 'Wish You Were Here' (PC 33453 with the dark blue shrink still in place) from 1975 by Pink Floyd. Really yikes again. Thirdly, Simon and Garfunkel original Columbia (CS 9269) 'Sounds Of Silence' two white eyes from 1966. It was as if I'd never heard these LPs before now. Unbelievable experience. Now that I've moved my Thorens 402 (sort of semi-automatic) turntable out to the living room, I'll have many more new comments for "What's on your turntable tonight".