Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Rushton,found the Miss Julie thread and the link to the site describing the play which the music is based on. You said the recording brought the performers into the room, I guess that is a good enough recommendation.
Montepilot, I agree with Slipknot's recommendation of the Holst "Savitri" on Argo ZNF 6 (and later as ZK 78). This is always my demonstration LP for someone who wants to hear the singers actually moving across the stage both laterally and from back to front. It's not all that rare, but you will have to be patient to find a copy from one of the used LP retailers (like Mikrokosmos or Ars Nova). Janet Baker is superb on this recording as Savitri, and the orchestral accompaniment is striking in the subtlety with which it's recorded.

The Alwyn "Miss Julie" is not as dynamic in the motion on stage of the singers. And, the music may not as immediately engaging as the Holst. For my earlier comments on "Miss Julie", my post was on 1/17/06.

Another alternative is the Maazel "Porgy and Bess" on Decca. An outstanding recording with great soundstaging and with superb performances by the vocalists. Unfortunately somewhat costly, however.
The Chambers Brothers -The Time Has Come on Columbia 360 sound.

Bill Evans -Out of the Cool on Impulse/Speakers Corner

Rushton, Hope the new cartridge is on the way. When it arrives I just pulled out a brown A&M (first) pressing of Teaser and the Fire Cat that I forgot I owned and I hate to say it but way back in November Wc65mustang commented that this pressing was “clearly superior to the MoFi. Not even close. I have both. The MoFi is a tad quieter but the A&M is simply much more dynamic.” Take a listen if you have a copy I think he’s right, in fact mine proved it. I had compared the Mofi to a tan copy (second or third press) back in the fall.

Wc65mustang, If your out there, that was an excellent call IMHO. Cheers!
Jim Brock-Tropic Affair.....RR-31 Refrence Recordings
Cal Tjader-A Fuego Vivo... Picante cjp-176
Foster, interesting comment on "Teaser." I've always enjoyed the MoFi reissue, notwithstanding its detractors in some quarters. My tan label A&M (Sterling mastering, F7) has always sounded good to my ear, but I found the MoFi bettered it in overall resolution and harmonic integrity. The MoFi is cut at a lower level than the tan label, and my tan label is probably not that early given the "F7" scribing. I'll have to give them another comparative listening with your comments in mind. Thanks!