I too read that paragraph from Art Dudley, and it soured me on his opinions. For a guy who favors vintage or vintage-sounding equipment in general, and who otherwise writes so well, I thought it was inexcusable. For Pete's sake, he uses a TD124 which with all due respect to its owners relies upon BOTH a belt and an idler to drive the platter, and here he is preaching about noise from a direct-drive! I really think the quote shows that he too does not or did not understand how a dd turntable works. Perhaps he has since been enlightened.
I too read that paragraph from Art Dudley, and it soured me on his opinions. For a guy who favors vintage or vintage-sounding equipment in general, and who otherwise writes so well, I thought it was inexcusable. For Pete's sake, he uses a TD124 which with all due respect to its owners relies upon BOTH a belt and an idler to drive the platter, and here he is preaching about noise from a direct-drive! I really think the quote shows that he too does not or did not understand how a dd turntable works. Perhaps he has since been enlightened.