Where is the next generation of direct drive?

Are there any good DD tables worth looking into? So much progress has been made with belt-drives, I would like to believe a careful re-thinking of DD motors could produce something worthwhile.
Cabbiendi-- overcoming motor cogging in DD is an issue as massive platters don't seem to be enough for most turntable designs. I believe belt drive motors with faster RPM set up their own rapid vibrations, which are either less detectable by human ears compared to a slowly-rotating motor, or possibly add pleasant distortion that makes music more satisfying. The belt also absorbs some of the vibrations.

It should not be too difficult to design an experiment measuring perceptual, audible differences between the two designs on the same chassis/plinth.
Re: Art Dudley,
As far as I'm concerned the sunset long ago with these publications , they are like the business of copywriters .
A copywriters job is divert attention away from matters of quality and value and then we have advertising.
Dudley is a mild case, however don't over look there is someone else that sign's his pay cheque.
Any news about Kodo The Beat ?

not exactly sure what you are asking.

i owned the Beat for 9 months and loved it. below the price of the NVS it would be my first choice. direct drive, 2 arm boards, beautifully built, low noise, speed correct and speed stable. great pace and energy.

one of the very very best turntables out there.

you can spend alot more and get less.

i hope i answered your question in some way.