Where to find info on the acclaimed parasound JC-1

I read a lot about this amp and am told it is amazing, I am looking for something to power my Maggie 3.6's and this seems like an option worth looking into. Any place I can find info online about it?? Any one hear it yet and if so what are your thoughts??
BEAR, see http://img.audioasylum.com/cgi/i.pl?u=users/6024&f=p8280004.jpg and you can have a look at Stan and the JC-1s....
Rcrump- Nice picture.

Don't the mini blinds rattle?

Does the cat hair on the heat shinks enhanse the cooling or
does it just make the room smell like pussy?

Kana813, I was really worried about all the glass in the back of the room when I moved in here as I have always had to deal with huge glass panes off to one side or in the first reflection....I plopped the Rockports down about 6' from the back wall and haven't had to do any room treatments here as have record shelves down both long walls and the bass has another 30' to go after it leaves the room into the dining room and formal living room via an 8' wide open doorway....The glass is 1/4" fixed glass and have no problems with the miniblinds....Best room I have ever had for the stereo as absolutely symmetrical...The room could make a Wave radio sound good....

I heard back from Brian Walsh today who now has the JC-1s driving his Sound Labs Ultimate Ones and they are holding up just fine......