I might be able to help in this regard in that I have a luxman 550 ax2 and tannoy Legacy Arden speakers, I am also quite a way of how the Keff speakers sound having had a few pairs either side
What I would suggest however is that you change speakers first before you look at implementing a phono stage or preamp into your system as the speakers really are the end game in regards to how the overall sound will come across.
I myself have changed my dac and my phono stage to match what I wanted music to sound like even though the luxman itself has got a very good phone stage built in. I always think that speakers esp with such a jump in size and with amount of air moved is about 75% of the sound style. The tannoys will inject warmth into the situation and as for the poster that said luxman isn't good for tannoy well that isn't true... Both amp and speaker have stayed in my system longer than any other component
One other thing... The tannoys do really benefit from being bi-wired