Where to purchase cables?


Where do you purchase your cables?  Interconnects, Speaker & Power cables?

I am building a second system and interested in new and used options.

Thanks for any recommendations.


Blue Jeans interconnects are pretty darn good. They’re not the ultimate in resolution or focus, but they are smooth and natural and throw a nice soundstage. The sound, to use a vague, subjective term, "normal." And you can easily order custom lengths. Their Belden speaker cable is okay too. For a second system, the combination will "let the music" out without a lot of expense or fuss. ;-)

For my main system I use Harmonic Technologies. I buy used from eBay or Audiogon or USAudioMart. As long as the seller has decent feedback I’m not too concerned about being ripped off. There’s really no reason NOT to buy used cables. They don’t "wear out" and people get rid of perfectly good stuff all the time in the quest for whatever they think they need to hear. ;-)

If you want high-end cables, the Cable Company's lending library is a pretty good way to try a variety of things.


I'm a DIY'er and prefer to assemble my own cables.  Using this option allows one to assemble high end audiophile cables at a 50/70% savings vs the same ready made cable(s).  Another benefit is making them the length that is needed.

Here are my primary sources for raw cable and various terminal ends.



If you have not yet diy'd cables there are several videos that serve as tutorials/guides.  No special tools or soldering needed, just good quality wire cutters, wire strippers, Phillips screwdriver, heat shrink tubing (various colors to give the cables your "signature"look) and a heat gun.  Take your time and you will produce cables you can be proud of.  Oh and the bank that you save can be invested toward other elements of your rig.  Enjoy







Tellurium low budget like the blue and black are very very good.if you can find used.