Where to start with vinyl

In your opinion what TT and cartridge would I need to buy to experience a noticable improvement over a Resolution Audio Opus 21 or similar quality ($3-4K new) CD player. Rest of system includes Rogue M-150 amps, Martin Logan Summits and tara air 1 interconnects and speaker cable.
>>Wrong... High output cartridges are much easier to deal with. Its really a tradeoff. Yes you might get very slightly more detail with a low output, because of the fewer windings on the coil, however rf, hum, noisy power, etc. can and usually does swamp that detail.<<

Readers, pay no attention to this.

It is completely erroneous. A well designed and constructed low output moving coil suffers none of these baseless maladies.

Audiofeil. What is your opinion about Musicmaker II and III ? How it compares to others within its price rage ?
Please private email.

Other than specifications and/or technical questions, I avoid discussing my products in the threads.
If you're main goal with getting a vinyl rig is to get "better" sound than your CD player I think you're going about this for the wrong reasons.

Vinyl sound isn't necessarily "better" .. it's just different. It still has it's down sides.

Don't get me wrong, my system is totally geared towards vinyl and that's where I'm going to stay. I prefer it over CD by far. But it's not because it always sounds better. It has to do with ritual, emotion, being connected to the music in a different way.

I personally feel that it has a nicer sound, more warmth and depth. But finding a record in perfect shape isn't easy unless you stick completely to brand new reissues and invest in a proper vacuum cleaning machine.

I'm not trying to be discouraging, I absolutely love (obsess over) vinyl in all forms, even used slightly worn albums.. and I would encourage any music lover to explore the amazing music available on record that never came out on CD.

But you'll get the most pleasure out of it if you go into it for the reasons I've stated rather than the quest for perfect sound.

Just IMHO...