Whest ps.30r

Having owned both the Whest Ps .20 and .30r I am now ready to try another phono stage in the same price bracket. As much as I like the Whest for all it does well. ( soundstage;dynamics; incredible detail: and quiet) I find it to lack a certain amount of humaness for want of a better word. It has to my ears a definite transister sound to it. I am looking for something that has the same depth, detail;dynamics and quietness but with a touch more warmth. We can all quote and read reviews I am looking for answers with genuine personal experience. Thanks in advance
I am using the JLTI ( Vacuum State ) and found though it is Solid State it is slightly sweet...It is certainly not up to the Steelheads performance but quite good just the same.........
The Whest is cable sensitive... Change the interconnects and power cord and you'll have a completely different sound.
I have the PS.30RDT and it sounds quite a bit more dynamic and less laid back with the MAC HC power cord. Note that MAC also makes an "Ultimate Source" power cord, but the results I'm talking about will come from using the HC cord, which bested every other AC cord I tried with the Whest.

Then if you still miss tube sound, simply get a quality tube line stage.
Thanks for the responses so far . I think we all secretly want the Manley I might give that a demo some time sounds like its the ticket really. Plato, I have not used the standard power cord yet but I have tried various run in PS audios on it from Lab 2 to Statement. I agree, power cords make a difference, I have used different interconnects too and found the same thing and always end up going back to the AQ Amazons and Leopard phono. I am sure I am not the only one hearing this from both of the whests. The .30 was definitely an improvement in this regard.
I'd be curious if anyone has used both the single ended and balanced outputs on the PS30R and whether there is a noticeable difference. I've only used the single ended and thus have not heard the unit in balanced configuration.
I have tried it using the same type of cable using balanced and xlr there is no dif in presentation. Except of course for the increased output offered by xlr. Good thinking though.