Whest Titan phonostage

Anyone using this phono? What was your prior phono and why did you switch? Thanks in advance for your replies.
Thanks Moonglum! May I ask what type of gear you are using with the PS3.0R ? What did you use previously? Thanks.
I cannot supply any insight into Whest products, except to say that I find their website to be very opaque as regards their design philosophy. But I do wonder whether any Whest user has also auditioned one of the later Klyne phono stages or full function preamps with phono. I'd be interested in a comparison.
Hi Varyat,
The primary source is a Raven One/Graham Phantom II/Lyra Delos with Ringmat GS, custom made short phono ICs (courtesy of Audio Origami)feeding Whest (+ custom IC) and Simaudio I-7 amplification rounded off with reasonably short speaker cables and Martin Logan Vantage hybrid electrostats. It doesn't really matter how far apart the speakers are placed, you'll end up with room-width sound right into the corners (including the top corners) of the room. ;)

Previously the T/T was Linn LP12/Ittok LVII/Asaka followed by a Music Maker mmIII. The LVII was briefly transferred to the Raven using a unique one-off Linn armboard - the first LVII Raven armboard in the World - and I've still got it - boomerang shaped and machined from 2cm thick solid aluminium.
It's free from the stainless steel inserts that the normal Raven armboards use and is much simpler to assemble as a result.

I'm off to a party now but I wish everyone a fantastic New Year celebration. :D
Take care and all the best...
I've owned a Titan Pro for 4 years and sent it in for an upgrade a year ago. It replicates great timbre,great separation of instruments,controlled upper extension and a very wide soundstage. That being said I think all things in my analog front end work in harmony for the final summation.
My analog front end.
Oracle Delphi Vl second generation mods
Audience AU24x phono cable
Sumiko Talisman Virtuoso  MC dti
Graham Engineering  Phantom Supreme ll
Musical Concepts modified Adcom 750.

I replaced the Sumiko with the Hana MC flagship Umami Red. Really for the first time been captivated while listening to vinyl. I had them use the MINT protacter for set up. Cartridge and protracter worth every penny.