Which amplifier (integrated) would you recommend for Monitor Audio PL speakers


I recently bought a "new" Monitor Audio PL100 speaker set.

I would like to know if anyone can suggest good amps to pair it with?

I currently have a Rotel RA1570 integrated amp, which is powerful enough, but maybe isn’t the best match, as I bought it for my B&W speakers (CM1 S2).

My budget is up to $1400 store price and it needs to have XLR, balanced input.

What I am currently missing compared to my older B&W setup is the depth and 3d. There is an overemphasis on treble and on the bright side.

Monitor Audio PL100
Clear Day Double Shotgun with jumpers
Rotel RA1570
Zu Mission XLR
Korg DSD DAC100
Curious USB cables
Macbook Pro
Everyone must junk their inferior Thiels, B&Ws, Monitor Audios, well, actually all speakers, and buy ATC speakers according to The King of Nonsense.

Oh yeah, and you must listen to rock at ear-splitting SPLs too. That’s the only barometer of a great speaker after all. You won’t be able to hear a lick (just like The King!) after much of that so it’s all good.

I'd think the Lyngdorf TDAI-2170 or the Mark Levinson No. 585 would mate well with those fine Monitor Audio speakers. They're both clean and dynamic, and could drive them effortlessly.
I've heard Creek Evolution 50A integrated and I thought it sounded great. Depending on your budget you can also consider the 100A model which delivers more wattage.
I have the following for sale with many great reviews. Audio Refinement / YBA gear has that warm yet defined sound you are looking for:


Will sell and ship all 3 AR components (int amp, tuner and cd) plus remote for $1075. 

Speakers and stands are for local sale only. 
Thanks for all your suggestions! Keep them coming :)

Could you make your top 3 list of (integrated) amplifier that can produce a deep soundstage with pinpoint imaging? 

XLR/ balanced inputs is what I am looking for.

From what I heard these are:

1. Pass Labs
2. Primare
3. Onkyo

Your thought or other brands for the above?;)