Which amps for Monitor Audio Gold Reference 60's?

Hi All,

I am in the hunt for an amp for the Monitor Audio GR-60's. These are fairly bright so a bright amp will not do. Anyone who has got or has heard these speakers what recommendations can you give. Perhaps not specific makes but guidelines to start with such as:
- Solid state necessary or are tubes ok?
- Is a pre/power required or will a decent integrated work well?
- Do they need oodles of power or will a solid 50W of tube power or other Class A power do the trick (they seem to be fairly efficient).

My main concern is that I want something not too birght, but not too lacklustre or loose - it must be able to control the sound, especially the bass, without contributing to harshness.


I have MA Silver Series S10's as the mains in my home theater along with S2's as surrounds, and S-LCR center channel. Great speakers. Your 60's are awesome as well. I've listened to them many times with about 7 or 8 different amps. To my ears, the Odyssey Audio Strereo Stratos and Anthem MCA 20 sounded great. The Anthem is a great match with any of MA speakers, If you talk to Bruno at Kevro (Monitor Audio parent company) he can offer great advice as well. Other amps that sounded good with the 60's were Marantz, McCormack and Ayre. Musical Fidelity was way too bright and mechanical sounding with these speakers. Rotel was kinda dull and lifeless sounding. My 2 cents...
I owned the 60's and listened to them at a store with Classe amps and it sounded very good, better than the Rotel, B&K and Bryston amps I used them with. In my experience these speakers really open up with more power, so I wouldn't say an integrated is the best option. About 200 wpc of solid state gives you the best bass extension and slam, and using a tube preamp would likely tame any other harshness in the highs, and would give a little welcome midbass fullness as these speakers are a little lean there which accentuates their touch of brightness.
I've heard an Anthem MCA-50 with Monitor Audio GR-60's. It sounded good. The GR-60's will sound good with a lot of different amps, but they will really respond to high quality amplification. They are pretty efficient so a low powered amp can power them, but my personal feeling is that -- to get the most out of those speakers, you will want some juice to fill out and control the low end. Also, your speakers will sound different after you put about 300 hours on them -- the metal tweeter will mellow out. It's hard to give specific recommendations without a budget -- what's your budget?