Which amps for Monitor Audio Gold Reference 60's?

Hi All,

I am in the hunt for an amp for the Monitor Audio GR-60's. These are fairly bright so a bright amp will not do. Anyone who has got or has heard these speakers what recommendations can you give. Perhaps not specific makes but guidelines to start with such as:
- Solid state necessary or are tubes ok?
- Is a pre/power required or will a decent integrated work well?
- Do they need oodles of power or will a solid 50W of tube power or other Class A power do the trick (they seem to be fairly efficient).

My main concern is that I want something not too birght, but not too lacklustre or loose - it must be able to control the sound, especially the bass, without contributing to harshness.

Hi There,

Thanks for your responses! The budget is a bit of a dicey one since I need to see if my older, unused amps will be sold (I have an ad listed for my Electrocompaniet EC 4.5 preamp). Also it is pretty much useless giving you a budget since things cost very differently here than in the US or Europe (in other words, not just varying levels but also not in proportions). I do not think I will import an amp just yet as I would like to audition it before purchasing.

I have a few options for now. I was thinking of going for something either tube-based, or a solid-state amp with tube characteristics so as not to contribute to the slightly bright nature of the GR-60's. One of these I was thinking of which I can get at a very good price is the Electrocompaniet ECI-3. It's their integrated amp rated 70W per channel, but it has a lot of oomph and headroom and has a beautiful, tube like sound. I also really like it since if I use the preouts the amplification does not switch off, meaning I can look at getting a separate power amp later if need be and bi-amp the GR-60's which should provide some great control.

Other options include some of the Jolida amps (either integrated or power amps, and either tube or hybrid - any suggestions?). I am yet to audition them though.

It is quite difficult since I am limited in terms of availability of makes, and importing quite a few problems associated with it, one of which is the different voltage to the US (which seems to be the best market to look into).

Anyone tried the ECI-3? Anyone heard the Jolida's?

Thanks and Cheers,
Hi again,

Just some quick questions: in order to run the speakers in do I need to:

1. run them at normal listening levels or can it be lower?
2. how long can I run them in at a stretch for? 4hrs, 8hrs, 12hrs? I wouldn't really want to leave everything runnning for 40hrs straight, so just need a basic guideline recommendation if possible
I am having very good luck using a mc275 Mcintosh tube
amp with my gold reference 20. The amp is rated at 75
watts per chanel. Spk sounds very smooth mid and high
with very tight base. I was using a proceed amp2 before
this amp and they sounded very dry to me. Tubes seem
to match well.Hope this helps a little.