Which attributes do you value most?

Here is a list of attributes commonly valued by audiophiles, in no particular order:

1. Resolution
2. Soundstaging
3. PRaT
4. Dynamics
5. Tonal balance
6. Harmonic content
7. Accuracy
8. Coherence
9. Frequency extension
10. Scale

The list could go on and on, but you get the idea. I’m interested to hear which attributes people prioritize above others. I don’t really have an agenda, except to learn more about how people’s values influence their approach to system building. With that in mind, it would be helpful if you listed a few of your components (assuming your system isn’t linked). So...

Which attributes do you value most?
PRaT and dynamics are more important to me than the rest. Coherence would be next. I can listen to a good boombox if it does them reasonably well but I will not listen to speakers that do everything well except this.
Having said that, I of course value everything you mentioned.
1)Tonal balance- first thing I notice
2)Coherence- can be distracting if not done right
3)Dynamics- very important, often missing
4)Frequency- extension-helps create the illusion
5)Resolution- draws you in

something like this...
Lifelike-Real. I can sit front/center at a recital at the University and with my eyes closed it sounds like my stereo. The same goes for listening to street musicians. I have heard some systems that have pin-point imaging. I find that distracting and unrealistic. Voices and instruments should have body to them. Even after all these years of listening I still get startled now and then when starting the music and a voice or instrument appears out in space in the room. The dark background is one of the best attributes of CDs. Fun to watch the faces of people when they hear it for the first time.