Which budget SS amps use least Global Feedback?

I have been reading all the "NEGATIVE" things, pun intended, on this forum about how amps with lots of global negative feed-back sound less musically involving, more sterile, more closed-in in the mids and highs, more boring, and less musical than amps that use no global negative feed-back, or only local feed-back in their designs.
Well, which realitively cheap SOLID STATE amps between the following use the least global feed-back, or only local feed-back in their designs:
1. Adcom GFA-5802?
2. Parasound HCA-3500?
3. Rotel RB1090?
What about if we expand our list to include all of the above, plus:
1. Anthem Statement P2?
2. Aragon 3002 or Palladium monoblocks?
3. ATI AT3002?
4. Bryston 4B ST?
5. Carver?
6. McCormack DNA-225?
7. Sunfire?
8. Any others out there?
Any info or answers would be greatly appreciated.
conrad johnson MF series uses minimal the premier 350 uses none. But at $8500 retail(premier 350) it would not be considered budget by most peoples standard.

Densen B-100, now only available used is a minimalist design with minimal feedback. It sounds great.

Now I've said that I'd also say that I would never buy equipment based on design philosophy, but on how it sounds. Perhaps you'll prefer the sound of an amp with a lot of feedback and you'll never find out.

Ditto Seans's comment. Neg. FB is but one ingredient in the amplifier recipe. Higher FB may better control underdamped bass drivers/enclosures. Most modern amps use little fb anyway. Of greater concern to me would be the spkr/amp interface. One spkr of mine requires high SS power, another pair thrive on low power tubes. Both are valid and very satisfying sonically. But the presentation is miles apart.