Which cables go with what?????

I never fails to amaze me, the questions people ask on this forum, always trying to find some synergy between cables and their components/speakers.

The fact is: there are two classes of cables:
1) Those that are neutral
2) Those that impose a sonic signature (tone controls of a sort)

If the average audiophile spent his time trying to weed-out the tone control cables and get some neutral cables, then all that would be left is to determine the right synergy between his or her components. This may mean elimination of an offensive component, as painful as that sounds.

Component synergy is real. Amps and speaker combinations definitely need to be selected carefully. In some cases also preamp-amp synergies are important. If you are using tubes, then there are even more compatibility issues. But cables, forget it. If you are trying to compensate for a poor component or speaker design by using tone control cables, you will probably never be happy and likely compromise the sound of the other components in the process. You will certainly never approach a live or "master-tape" sound. There, that's my editorial. Hopefully some will learn from it.
I wasn't able to get my mother-in-law to believe I was sorry she couldn't spend a month with us but...I just saved 30% on my car insurance!

I don't think that Audioengr is guilty of doing anything but trying to share knowledge in an educational manner. He's made WAY too many posts ( both here and on AA ) conveying nothing more than helpful information for anyone to claim anything other than that. If he had made the same statements without being a cable manufacturer, would anybody have thought twice about it ? Would this thread have just turned into the typical "downward spiral" that most cable threads end up in rather than an attack on his integrity ? Sean
Sonic_genius wrote:
"AudioEngr: If you have the education and experience that you claim then you would be a fool to be in the high-end audio cable business."

Not really. I've already had a 26-year illustrious career in the computer industry and I took early retirement. I don't need the cable business to survive. I do it because I'm passionate about it. This has several advantages:

1) I'm not going belly-up any time soon
2) I'm doing this business for the right reasons
3) High-end audio shows are really a kick
4) I like the people much more than the egg-heads that I worked with in the computer bussiness