Which DAC: Benchmark, Mytek, Audio Mirror, Holo Audio, Mojo Audio?

Looking to upgrade my current Rega DAC-R and have been doing some internet searching and these DACs look interesting and fit within my price range:
BENCHMARK - DAC3 B - $1700
MYTEK DIGITAL Mytek - Liberty DAC - $1000

Audio Mirror - TUBADOUR III DAC - $1200
Holo Audio – Spring DAC 2/3 - $1900-2700
Mojo Audio - Mystique v2 SE DAC - $2500
The other option is to just stick with the Rega DAC-R
I play CDs only and would like to maximize that format. Anyone have experience with these DACs? I have no opportunity to audition them where I live.

Which DAC would provide the most significant upgrade from the Rega? The Rega frames the music well and sounds good with almost every disc I throw at it. I’m not shooting for different and I don’t want something that will limit what's  enjoyable (CDs or types of music).
We might be able to help we sell the Mytek and we may have a trade in Auralic Vega coming in.

We also have a demo AMR CD 77.1 one of the most musical CD players ever built in the OP still wants to play CD, the AMR also does have a USB dac input. 

We also sell the T+A gear and the Nuprime.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
 Look up the specs on a  Topping D50    on  audiosciencereview.com   to step  up from that the Benchmark DAC3
Benchmark has its name for a reason. Based on the Brooklyn, Mytek should only be bought if you disable MQA and the volume control. 
What measurements are you looking at in particular, as I don’t see it. Similar jitter reduction and the D50 has worse IMD. The D50 has better volume linearity at lower levels though. But yes, for the price difference, shows how overpriced the Benchmark is, which is saying something as it’s a bargain compared to most Hi-Fi DACs from established companies.
D50, even without power supply is very cheap.  I expected bad quality to follow, but pictures of the PC board show good quality with most of SMT components (very repeatable process) similar to Benchmark.  There might be some non-SMT capacitors, but usually assembly house, even if it does SMT by hot air,  still has solder wave to solder other components.