Which is best, using balanced or non-balanced connection?

I trying to determine which is the best way to connect my preamp to an external power amp.

I currently have a Parasound hint 6 driving my B&W 804 D4s which I have had for a while. This combo seems to work well as I don't listen to music very loud. While visiting stereo shop I was talking while a salesman there he suggested that while the music may sound good I may not be getting the full sound of the music with the Hint 6. Investing in an external power amp would give me a better experience. So, I decided to use my Hint 6 as my preamp and get a Parasound A21+ or a preowned JC5. I'm leaning to the JC5. However, my question is how I should connect the external amp for the best sound. Should I use the balanced or unbalanced connection?



In order for the component itself to be balanced, all the parts in the signal path have to be doubled up to make a path for the 2nd signal conductor.

That is false and it’s amazing how frequently this myth is repeated. Many truly balanced components use differential circuits and that is not at all how they work.

However, my question is how I should connect the external amp for the best sound. Should I use the balanced or unbalanced connection?

@mjrice2 If your amp has a balanced input and is internally balanced, driving it balanced will allow it to have slightly lower distortion.

If the equipment supports AES48 you'll get less interaction (possibly quite a lot less) with the interconnect cables. In my system even though its quite revealing, you can't hear interconnect cable differences on this account.

I have purchased the JC 5. In communicating with Parasound they informed me that the JC5 is fully balanced from input to output.  Here is their response:

  • Lower Noise & Interference Resistance: Balanced cables help reduce noise and interference, which can be especially beneficial in longer cable runs or environments with potential electrical interference. 
  • Higher Signal Integrity: The JC 5 operates as a fully balanced amplifier from input to output, meaning an XLR connection allows it to perform at its best.
  • Improved Dynamics & Clarity: Many users report that balanced connections provide a more refined and dynamic soundstage compared to unbalanced RCA connections.