which Jensen cap to use?

I have a hybrid amp (tube gain stage and bipolar output stage), and plan to replace its coupling caps (DynamiCaps)with Jensen oil caps. I like slightly warm sound but with lots of details.

Which one of these Jensen caps should I use, aluminum, copper foil, or copper foil paper tube?

What are the sonic difference among these Jensen caps? Thanks.

Be forewarned that nearly all paper and oil caps can exhibit electrical leakage (i.e. they don't always block 100% of the DC voltage) which can skew the bias voltage of succeeding stages of amplification.

They can do this out of the box or after a few years of operation.
Atmasphere is right--and sometimes the result can be disaster for the circuit. But, of course, the sound you describe "warm with lots of details" is (best/only?) achieved with copper pio caps.

Can't compare the three varieties you list, but I have used the copper Jensen pio in a SET amp for years. The sound is just as you describe, and the caps have proved trouble-free.