Which Lamm should I add to the flock?

I have a Classe' 301 amp, an Audio Aero Capitale C.D player which I use as the pre, and Piega P10 speakers. The Classe' had lemoned on me again, to the shop for the last time. I heard Tenor 75wp with this same setup, and it was beautiful. I am leaning toward the Lamm's, but this is where my ignorance shows. The ML2's or the ML1.1's? This is a major purchase for me (hopefully the last for years to come with amps), someday to replace the p10's. Thanks for any help and suggestions.
How much power do you need?
That will help you decide which model to get.
They have a SET with 18wpc. (ML2.1)
They have a standard tube model with 90 wpc. (ML1.1)
Then they have their hybrid amps with 110 & 220 wpc. (M1.2 and M2.2 respectively)

(I have the older M2.1 (200 wpc hybrid) amp, and I doubt I will ever upgrade amps again! Solid state like bass, with tube like mid-range.

If you were using a CA-301, (300 wpc, right?) I would guess you need the M2.2. (If you prefer a std. tube amp, the ML1.1 would probably work great too, and the M1.2 would proably work as well! Realize these later amps are a great deal less powerful than what you are used to using though.)
If it were me, I would get the M1.2, as it is pure Class A, but be warned, they run HOT. (The M2.2 also runs hot, but not quite as much.)

My two cents worth.
It is my understanding that your speaker is 89db effecient and rated at 4 ohms. I would say that the ML2 at 18 watts would probably not be enough. The ML1.1 at 90wpc would probably be pretty good as long as the impedence curve is rather flat. If the Tenors did well with you speakers I imagine the ML1's will also do well. The hybrids of course should have no problem with this speaker.
I would vote for the M1.2 Ref. I have been very happy. I wouldn't say they're HOT ... warm, but you can certainly always touch the fins on the side and the top. They do help keep my room warm during the winter, but do need A/C in the summer to keep the room bearable on the third floor of our house. Of course, the Tenors were my second choice, specifically the hybrids. But, unfortunately the company's financial situation scared me towards Lamm.