which monoblock

I'm in the procces of buying a set of Dalis MS5 for my main hometheater speakers and I would like to know ,what monoblock amp I can use to move this speakers with ease and the same time buy 3 of the same type of monoblock to rest of the 5.1 set up. I don't want to brake the bank, But I would like to pleace the amp as close to the speakers as possible.Please give some ideas and as well as recomendation. Note: I Already try 5 and 7 chanels amp, so I'm trying to do something a little different than before.Also do you recomend any other speaker maybe in the same price range of the Dalis euphonia line.Thanks in advance.
Audiobugged you are more than welcome, to let me know your thoughts once you audition all that gear,And the rest of you guys, thanks a lot for your inputs.Any other susgestion?
probably more suggestions than your interested in! :)

i used surface wiring for all the amps and speakers. where "surface wiring" means no in wall interconnects and no in wall speaker cables. just cables on the floor. it keeps the runs a lot shorter, and allows audiophile quality cables for every single connection.

i used a stereo amp for the rear channels, no benefit to mono's back there.

after the amps, I used a separate power circuit for the front end gear, feeding a PS Audio P600, and then all the front end is powered off that. the video has a separate circuit as well.

don't under estimate the cooling, especially if you select pure Class A amps. a cooling budget of 2-5 tons, depending on gear, is not unreasonable.

what is reasable for amps depends on room volume. if you don't have the cubic feet, save money, and don't buy the watts. if you do have the cubic feet, don't hold back.
This is not a mono block option but you could run a Pass X150 with a Pass X3. Never heard Pass amps in a HT set up before though. Honestly I have a hard time picturing these amps in a HT system. Probably other options out there that may be more cost beneficial and better suited towards HT.